

Student Information


Key Dates

Key Dates

TermIntakesStart DateFinish DateDuration
Term 1Block 120/01/202521/02/20255 Weeks
Block 224/02/202528/03/20255 Weeks
Term Break31/03/202511/04/20252 Weeks
Term 2Block 314/04/202516/05/20255 Weeks
Block 419/05/20252006/20255 Weeks
Term Break23/06/20254/07/20252 Weeks
Term 3Block 57/07/20258/08/20255 Weeks
Block 611/08/202512/09/20255 Weeks
Term Break15/09/202526/09/20252 Weeks
Term 4Block 729/09/202531/10/20255 Weeks
Block 83/11/20255/12/20255 Weeks
Term Break8/12/202516/01/20266 Weeks

Public Holidays

Note: This is the generic timetable and it may vary from class to class. Please, contact Brighton College to find more specific information regarding the intakes and holidays. If a class falls on a public holiday, there will be an additional class on another day as agreed by the trainer and students.

Download Course Guide

Download Course Guide

Fill out the form below, and select the course name to download the course guide.